^z 4th November 2023 at 6:50am
Composed near the end of a 30-year career, with deep genuflections and forelock-tugs toward Gilbert and Sullivan's "Major General":
I am the very model of a modern Intel Analyst; I serve as technical advisor, counselor, and panelist, On task forces and tiger teams I fill my hours gainfully, Coordinating PDBs, IAs, and WIRes, painfully; I know the labyrinthine corridors of the bureaucracy, And can recite our Mission Statement scarcely with hypocrisy; I juggle matrices full of untestable hypotheses, And quibble over subtle differences of philosophies. I obfuscate, pontificate, and cover up our data lacks, Supporting policymakers, if any be insomniacs; You want scenarios and indicators? Yes, I have a list: I am the very model of a modern Intel Analyst! |
(jargon: intel = intelligence; PDB = President's Daily Brief; IA = Intelligence assessment; WIRe = World Intelligence Review; ...) - ^z - 2018-04-08